Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The car lives on!

The car lives on! After my amazing hubby R fixed
it of course. Power steering line broke. Then, believe it
or not, the other power steering line broke that night.
I didn't even know there was more than one. Then,
the car died. Right beside a funeral home. I kid you not.
Something about a fuel pump reset switch hidden in
the trunk, I guess that is common in Fords. If you
hit a pothole, swerve, or burp loudly this fuel pump
switch turns itself off. R discovered this while desperately
reading the car manual. Imagine - a car manual that
is useful! Even if the car isn't. Or wasn't. But we are
on the road again, maybe we will limit it to short drives
for now, get a new car in the Spring. A very smart friend
of mine says to avoid leasing so maybe we can save some
money and buy a new, or at least newer car.

Planning to see my cousin A and his wife in Grande Prairie for
Thanksgiving weekend. They are so sweet to think of us.
Haven't seen him in ages. His younger bro is thinking about
heading out to Alberta from Nova Scotia as well. Soon, I'll
have the whole family out here. Also hoping my friend T
comes out, he is thinking about it a tiny bit.

On a sad note, my brother lost a very good friend of his
recently due to a car accident, she was only 28. So young.
I feel really bad for my brother, he is a happy-go-lucky guy
and it breaks my heart to hear sadness in his voice.

Well, my exercise bike is looking at me and sending
guilt waves, bye for now


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