Monday, June 18, 2007

Speeding Ticket

Well, it's happened. A speeding ticket.
It was no high speed chase or anything fun.
The infamous Photo Radar of Alberta nabbed
me. I have heard of many others being nabbed,
but I don't speed. Much. OK, so I was doing 66
in a 50 zone but let me explain.

First of all, for those of you who are not
familiar with photo radar, it works like this:
City Police set up photo radars in odd places
like vans, behind bushes, and I have even
heard of them being in fake signs. Most
commonly in cars, vans etc. They sit there
unmanned and when cars go over a certain
speed they take a photo of your license plate.
Then they mail you a ticket.

The area I got nabbed was a very, and I do
mean very, heavy traffic area. Anyone who
has driven home during Edmonton rush hour
knows exactly what I mean. Bumper to
bumper all the way to the Highway.
The string goes 30 you go 30, it goes 60, you go 60.
You go with the flow or risk being crushed.

So this leaves me to wonder how many others
in the string of cars got nabbed. Did a bit
of research about the so called 'cash cow' system
of Alberta. Consider this from 2002:

"Last year Edmonton police scammed $15,007,607
milking the cash cow and bilking the motoring public." <-- There are some
very interesting facts on this site. And some amazing
horror stories.

That works out to over $41,000 per day. In Edmonton
alone. 5 years ago. In case you are wondering, the revenue goes to
the police stations, not charity, community funds or any
other such benevolent act.

So anyway, gonna cost me $100, but no points or other penalties.
Guess I'm a true Edmontonian now.


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