Friday, September 15, 2006

Snow in Alberta

Snow. Yes it's true. It took about
3 news reports and lots of people
telling me before I started to think
it may be true. Then I watched the
news. 45-60 cm in South Western
Alberta. And talk of it heading our way.
This fact does not please me.

On a brighter note, I got a promotion
at work already. I am going into the
accounting department next week.
I kind of lucked-out because the
girl that is currently in that position
is leaving. Kind of too bad because
she is really nice. They are a good
bunch. But it works out good for me.
They are planning on sending me
on a training course in Calgary.
Should be interesting, haven't done
too much accounting, just dabbled in
it here and there. Should be good
though, plus there are more
bonuses at that level.

Totally off the topic, watch a movie called
Hard Candy the other night. That movie
is not for the faint of heart. About a teenage
girl who traps a pedofile. A bit disconcerting
but sends a strong message.

Well, guess I'm off to look for winter clothes...


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