Thursday, November 16, 2006

Wanna make a commercial?

Is it just me or are they playing the same commercials
like a zillion times a day on the TV stations? And I am
not even home that much to watch TV. But when I do
it's the same commercials over and over.

It started with the Head-On commercials.
Now it's the A & W commercial. You know the one.
The couple go to a fancy smancy meal and are
hungry when they leave (no wonder). So they go
to A & W and fall in love over a burger. In the
commercial the A & W server approaches their table
and asks them 'Will you be having dessert tonight?"
Yeah, like that happens at A & W. With the little
snots that usually serve you, you're lucky they can
get your order straight, nevermind being concerned
with your dessert requirements.

Why do these super-rich companies torture us with
the same ads over and over? Has it become a trend
to do so? Maybe it costs less to air the same one
over and over as opposed to air different ones.

I got to thinking, how much is it to air a commercial?
Just to air it, not considering costs involved in the
making of it. Well, consider this:

In the mid-1990s, the average 30-second prime time
network television advertising spot cost about $100,000.
These same spots on a top-rated series average about $325,000.

For the Olympic Games, held this year in Turin, Italy, 30-second prime-time spots are about $700,000.

At $2.5 million per 30-second spot, the average 2006 super bowl commercial is unattainable for most businesses.

Wanna revisit some of those old favorites?
Try this site for a blast to the past:


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9:35 AM  

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