Same hell different province
The Department of Motor Vehicles.
How many of you twitched just reading
that phrase? The department that strikes
fear into the hearts of even the most
So our 3 month deadline for switching our
drivers licenses over to Alberta is coming due
very soon. One good thing is they are open on
Saturdays from 9-1 here. So yesterday, after saying a
quick prayer, we set off. We arrive. Line up is
reaching the door. We debate leaving and coming
back next week but since we were already there,
we decide to tough it out.
As we wait in line for 20 minutes, we listen to the panicked
conversations around us. "Oh God I hope I have everything
this time" the woman behind us frets. Another woman is
relaying the story about her adventures in the Department
of Motor Vehicles yesterday, how she got turned away and had
to return again Saturday. We glance at each other and kind
of smirk because we are confident of surviving the Department
of Motor Vehicle obstacle course. We have tons of ID, I even have
a government issued ID from my employment with the province
of NS. We both have valid, current, clean driving licenses.
A teller becomes available and it's now our turn, finally.
We approach the counter. We explain what we want.
But alas, she cannot assist us as she is a new 'trainee' and
cannot handle our request. She directs us back to the
front of the line. This time, a suitable teller opens.
Then an amazing thing happens. A woman 3 people
behind us, runs to the open wicket, taking my turn and
bypassing the others in front of her. Needless to say I
don't put up with that. I run up behind her. "Excuse me"
I say. "Oh", she says and looks around as if she did not
realize there were others in the line up.
She goes back to her spot.
We take our rightful place at the open teller.
We again explain what we want.
"We need a paystub or bill with your name and
address on it before we can help you". We almost cry.
We leave. We look at the time, we have 10 minutes
before they close. We live 3-4 mins away.
We floor the gas, run into the apartment and gather our
latest paystubs. R even brought copies of his time sheets and a
photocopy of the last pay cheque which his boss includes
with each stub. We fly back. Arrive 4 minutes before closing.
Run up to door. Line up is now at the door. Again, we debate
leaving but with this much time invested in it we want to get
it over with. We enter. There is a group of 3 people just sort of
hanging around the doors, it was not clear if they were in line
or waiting for friends to finish. Thought I'd better check just
to be sure. "Are you in line?" I politely ask the woman in
the group. "Yes!" she replies, "and there's no way anyone's
getting ahead of us!" Wow. Been here long? I wanted to ask
her but didn't. Another 20 mins, we reach the front of the line.
We approach a new teller who has not yet heard our tale.
We again explain what we want. She starts the game
by requesting ID. OK, that we know we have covered.
We pull out our driving licenses, she scrutinize them,
she gives them a pass. Asks for one more piece of ID.
I pull out my government ID. "We do not accept
government issued ID" she says. HUH? I offer my NS
Health care card (we have been waiting for 2 months
for our Alberta Health card). "I'm sorry, that is unacceptable
as well". Hmmm. "What do you accept?" I ask.
"A bank card" the teller replies. OK.... I give her
my bank card. Now onto the paystub. Paystub passes with
a small amount of negotiations. I pass the first set of hurdles.
She turns her beady little eyes on R (her eyes get
beadier as the day wears on). R produces his ID, it passes.
R produces his pay stub, copies of time sheets, copy of last
paycheque. She studies them intently, looking for anything
she can criticize with her mean, beady little eyes. The head
company R works for is in BC, as are many trade companies.
"This company is in BC" she says. "Yes..."R says waiting
for her point. "We can't accept this, how does this prove you
live here?" R points out his full name and complete address
printed on both the pay stub and copy of pay cheque.
"We can only accept your pay information if it is from
a local company". Again, HUH? "I can't help that", R says,
"The head company issues the pay cheques and that is where
they are located." "Well, yes you can help it" beady eyed
bitch replies. "You can ask you boss to find an address here
to use, he must have a local office." "Or you will have to ask
him to type you a letter telling us you live here". WTF?!
Why on earth would it matter who pays you?
I was employed up until a month or so ago with
the Province of NS. What would they have done
if I walked in with a NS pay stub.
And NS gov't ID.
Imagine the carnage.
I got processed finally. But poor R has yet to make
another trip. He will have to request a letter from his boss,
and go back with the pile of ID and papers again next week.
And for this folks we pay $75 each.
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