Thursday, August 31, 2006

Here in Alberta

I have had a few friends suggest I have a blog, so here it is.

Well, we've been here in Alberta, having relocated from Nova
Scotia, for about 2 months now. We had an excellent start, bought
a car the first day. We lucked out and found an apartment the second day.

R of course had a job coming out here, I applied
for jobs after about a week or so and was absolutely
swamped with requests for job interviews. They have help
wanted signs everywhere and pages and pages of jobs in their classifieds.
They are so desperate for workers, one guy wanted to train me, yes me,
as a forklift operator in a warehouse. $18 per hour at that.
Things are pretty good, almost always sunny and lots
of money to be made. It's amazing how much less
the gov't takes off your paycheque here.
Compared to NS anyway.
Half the Maritimes is out here.
We have met tons of Maritimers.
Lots from Cape Breton.
It is a saying out here that Alberta
is friendly because half the Albertans
are Maritimers. Although Albertans
are fairly friendly it is a different kind of friendly.
Sort of politely friendly. Hard to explain.
I think they have their minds on money.

The weather is awesome, over 25 celsius
almost every day. The nights are bit cooler
right now, about 15 overnight. This weekend is
supposed to be 25-30 all weekend. Not sure what we
will do this weekend, we'd like to get to Jasper one of
these days. My friend N sent me a link to a nice, and
affordable spot.

I am starting to get used to the driving
but it is still a harrowing experience.
I kid you not - they drive 130 plus
on the highways with just inches of space
between cars. When I first arrived I thought
alot of people were towing other cars.
I almost peed myself driving in Edmonton.
Weird things I have noticed:
What the hell is up with the price of Bounce?
Yes, folks, Bounce. That smelly, soft, piece of paper.
It costs a mind numbing $8-9 dollars here. Wow.
And Bread, bread is anywhere from $2.50-$3.50 per loaf.
Beer and Pizza cost more :-( Cheese, milk, eggs, and of course
meat costs less.
And there are liquor stores everywhere,
and I do mean everywhere. Sometimes 3-4 per block.
They are open every day. I have even heard tell of a
24 hour one. Most everything is open here on Sundays,
unlike NS. It is kind of nice being able to put your shopping off
till Sunday if you don't feel like doing it on Saturday.
Plus it spreads the crowd out more over the weekend so it's
not so nuts all in one day. Besides who are we dictating what
days a person should run his or her business. Or what day
they should supposedly celebrate their religion.

They smoke everywhere here. Even at staff
meetings, in an open warehouse mind you, but still.
You'd NEVER get away with that in NS. I think they'd
throw you in jail or something.
Or take away your Saturday shopping rights.

Almost all rental places, if you are lucky enough to find
one, is 'no pets allowed'. It is very anti-fur here in the
rental industry. Which sucks. They take better care of
their rental units here though. The upkeep is a much better
standard than you typically find in NS.
We live in a quiet little spot called Leduc, which is about
20-25 mins from the crazy city of Edmonton. We do visit
Edmonton a fair bit as it is a beautiful and interesting city.
But the gang problem is severe there so we really don't
venture there at night. Anyone from Edmonton reading
this is probably thinking what wimps we are. But when
you come from a small place like NS, Alberta is a whole
new ball game. And gangs are scary.

So, that's about it to date. I will most the odd update now
and then so stay posted!
Of course you can always visit me at