Thursday, November 16, 2006

Wanna make a commercial?

Is it just me or are they playing the same commercials
like a zillion times a day on the TV stations? And I am
not even home that much to watch TV. But when I do
it's the same commercials over and over.

It started with the Head-On commercials.
Now it's the A & W commercial. You know the one.
The couple go to a fancy smancy meal and are
hungry when they leave (no wonder). So they go
to A & W and fall in love over a burger. In the
commercial the A & W server approaches their table
and asks them 'Will you be having dessert tonight?"
Yeah, like that happens at A & W. With the little
snots that usually serve you, you're lucky they can
get your order straight, nevermind being concerned
with your dessert requirements.

Why do these super-rich companies torture us with
the same ads over and over? Has it become a trend
to do so? Maybe it costs less to air the same one
over and over as opposed to air different ones.

I got to thinking, how much is it to air a commercial?
Just to air it, not considering costs involved in the
making of it. Well, consider this:

In the mid-1990s, the average 30-second prime time
network television advertising spot cost about $100,000.
These same spots on a top-rated series average about $325,000.

For the Olympic Games, held this year in Turin, Italy, 30-second prime-time spots are about $700,000.

At $2.5 million per 30-second spot, the average 2006 super bowl commercial is unattainable for most businesses.

Wanna revisit some of those old favorites?
Try this site for a blast to the past:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Warped mind?

My husband thinks I have a warped mind.
He may be right.

But, you cannot watch the newest energizer
commercial and tell me it doesn't look like
the alien gets um... excited over the little pink
bunny. It took a few viewings of the commercial
to see it was only his arm. Of course it is
not any other appendage, but it sure looked like
it on first glance.

Or maybe I am warped.

Mind you, the online version is pretty dark so you
really need to see the TV version to see what
I mean. Or don't see what I mean.
But the oddest thing about this commercial, you know
those little disclaimers they put at the bottom of
commercials - 'Professional Driver - Do not attempt' etc...
Well the energizer alien one has the 'dramatization' disclaimer.
I hope they are joking I really do. Who is going to actually
believe that aliens have abducted the beloved pink bunny?

Although, after seeing the reaction from that alien, I would be
highly suspicious of his intentions. Poor bunny. He may never
bang on his drum again.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Swan Love

Cute story in the news...

Black swan falls for pedal boatAAP

A LOVESICK Australian swan and his plastic
paramour have become an unlikely tourist
attraction in Germany. The black swan was
already a curiosity when he arrived at Aesee
Lake in the north-west German city of Munster
a few months ago, as European swans are white.
He has caught the imagination further by falling
in love with a plastic pedal boat shaped like a swan.

The Australian bird has spawned a cottage industry,
with T-shirts, snow domes and keyrings sporting its image.
Biologists say the black swan is showing all the typical signs
of love for his species - circling his plastic lover, staring
longingly at it and making crooning noises. So much so that
tourists are afraid to use the swan-shaped boat for fear
of upsetting the visitor. A yacht school owner, Peter
Overschmidt, complained: "When I sail too close to the pedal
boat, the black bird puffs up its feathers and hoots at me.
"This behaviour proves that the swan has built an attachment
with the pedal boat," said biologist Dirk Wewers from the
local Allwetter Zoo.

Sadly, biologists are worried that because swans
are monogamous, this one will waste his life pining
away for his plastic lover. Expert Andrea Klein is worried
what will happen when the boat is locked away for
the winter, but is relatively confident the swan will recover.
"Though it is losing its life partner we think its chances
for survival are good, as living on that lake it
has (made it) become semi-domesticated - otherwise
it would never have fallen in love with the white pedal-boat
swan in the first place," Ms Klein said. "As long as it gets
plenty of food and water it should be fine."

Black swans are peculiar to Australia, but some
were introduced to Europe by Dutch explorers in the
18th century. Sightings of the birds in the wild

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Dept of Motor Vehicles Horror continues.....

For those of you not familiar with this horror story,
see my post of Sunday, October 01, 2006 for some
background info.

I get a call from the Dept of Hell aka Motor Vehicles.
Despite the excruciating pain they have put hubby
and I through, they want another go at us. As you
know we had, after a prolonged torture session,
managed to register for Alberta licenses. We were
both given temporary licenses some time ago and
we awaiting the real deal to arrive in the mail.
Then they called. Seems they sent our licenses
to some imaginary address they pulled out of
their ass and they were returned to them in the mail.

They call to tell us this, and to inform us that
1) our temporary licenses are now expired
2) we must again go to the Dept of Hell to re-register.
'Why can't you just mail it out to the correct address?'
I innocently ask. They feed me some mumbo jumbo about
30 days having passed and us having to re-verify our address
and province of residence because 30 days has passed since
our initial registration/torture session.

I came very close to slamming the phone down.
I really wanted to tell them to F*** Off but a little
voice inside my head would not let me. But I really
really wanted to.

We cannot go through that torture again.
I don't think we could take it. we have decided to drive
with our expired temporary licenses.